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New ESOS Research paper

Streamlined Models of CMOS Image Sensors Carbon Impacts.

This research aims to improve understanding of the environmental impact of CIS to help reduce the carbon footprint of electronic devices. See the report.

ESOS 2024 doctoral theses

5 Doctoral theses are co-financed by ESOS in 2024, details here.

ESOS at DATE Eco-ES 2024

Thibaut Marty presented the ESOS open database project on the impacts of electronics at DATE 2024's "W01 Workshop: Eco-ES: Eco-design and circular economy of Electronic Systems" on March 26.

Article "How to make electronics more sustainable" in The Conversation

Here is an article on sustainable electronics published in The Conversation by members of the ESOS project on March 24, 2024 :

ESOS at HiPEAC conference 2024

We presented the sustainable electronics challenges at the RAPIDO workshop of HiPEAC 2024 on January 18th. Many nice discussions have arised! Slides are available here.

ESOS at the Bréquigny Forum

On Thursday November 23, over 500 secondary school students took part in a forum on the electronics industry at the Lycée Bréquigny in Rennes. Organized as part of the ESOS project, the forum aimed to raise awareness of the challenges of sustainable electronics and inspire students to consider careers in this rapidly evolving field.
Through this event, the ESOS project partners hope to attract more students to the electronics industry, a promising sector in terms of employment.

It's an opportunity for 3rd and 2nd grade students from 4 middle schools and 5 high schools in the Rennes area*, supervised by BTS students from Lycée Bréquigny: 

  • exchange ideas with technology companies in the sector, 
  • discover careers in electronics through fun electronics-related activities, 
  • visualize different career paths leading to careers in electronics, thanks to the post-baccalaureate training establishments present, 
  • attend conferences presenting the different professions and training courses in electronics. 

*Collège Jean Moulin de Saint Jacques de la Lande, Collège Fontenay de Chartres de Bretagne Collège Les Hautes Ourmes et Les Chalais de Rennes, lycées Brequigny, Coëtlogon, Joliot Curie, Pierre Mendès France et Charles Tillon de Rennes

ESOS at the Free Silicon Conference 2023

Invited presentation by Maxime Pelcat at the Free Silicon Conference July 10,11,12 2023 ( "Environmental impacts of electronics and the role of open source hardware".

ESOS Recruits!

The ESOS project partners are recruiting teachers, managers, support staff and engineers.

ESOS at GreenDays 2023